True Colors – Accepting Each Other

I love this video. “We live in a world where differences are all around us. Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in these differences, especially when we see them in the people that surround us everyday. MattyB believes that everyone deserves the same thing: love. It’s not always popular to love someone and embraceContinue reading “True Colors – Accepting Each Other”

A DIRTY LETTER – WTRF – Wrong treatment of children

UGH!! MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL! A news station in West Virginia (WTRF) posted this teacher’s note which told parents to clean their children before sending them to school. “TELL US: Do you think the teacher is out of line? A DIRTY LETTER: A school teacher took measures into her own hands. She sent out thisContinue reading “A DIRTY LETTER – WTRF – Wrong treatment of children”

Pi Day, Math and Hula Hoops

On March 14th, math geeks, number lovers and students in Massillon Middle School’s eight grade classrooms in Massillon, Ohio, celebrated Pi Day. No, not the lemon meringue or banana creme kind of pie, we’re talking about a day set aside to honor the mathematical constant. It was about celebrating the 3.14 miracle number that helpsContinue reading “Pi Day, Math and Hula Hoops”

First Night Charlotte Hula-Hooping

First Night Charlotte 2011! Hula-Hooping during the daytime at First Night Kids. What a fun way to bring in the New Year! The weather was sunny and 65 degrees we couldn’t have had a more perfect day. A huge “THANK YOU” to the organizers and sponsors for providing a place for children to celebrate. CARAContinue reading “First Night Charlotte Hula-Hooping”

FunkyTown Parties Best Place for Fun Holiday Events

FunkyTown Parties! What a wonderful place to host your holiday event! It’s my favorite place to have my hula-hoop parties. Check them out at: FunkyTown Parties or call 704-845-0750 They are located in The Fountains Shopping Center near Blakeney. CARA ZARA – HULA-HOOP ENTERTAINER & TEACHER CARAZARA.COM – 704-540-1456