Hula Hoop Science Fun Physics with Cara Zara

“Cara Zara’s Hula-Hoop Science” program explains to students in a simple, engaging and fun way the principles of physics with a modern spin by using the classic hula-hoop to demonstrate the mechanics of hula-hoop tricks through science. Students frequently ask Cara Zara after seeing her performances: “Is that magic?” – And she replies “No. It’sContinue reading “Hula Hoop Science Fun Physics with Cara Zara”

Pi Day, Math and Hula Hoops

On March 14th, math geeks, number lovers and students in Massillon Middle School’s eight grade classrooms in Massillon, Ohio, celebrated Pi Day. No, not the lemon meringue or banana creme kind of pie, we’re talking about a day set aside to honor the mathematical constant. It was about celebrating the 3.14 miracle number that helpsContinue reading “Pi Day, Math and Hula Hoops”

Afterschool Hula-Hoop Program Charlotte NC

Cara Zara has performed throughout Charlotte at festivals and parties and teaches afterschool Hula-Hoop Kid-Fit Classes. Hooping is a modern spin on the classic fun of the hula-hoop and is a perfect way to stay fit for boys and girls. Students practice how to bring the hoop up, down and off the body all while moving to music. Hooping improves largeContinue reading “Afterschool Hula-Hoop Program Charlotte NC”